• Version 0.9.8

    0.9.8 includes the long-awaited support for IPv6. It's enabled by default, but of course you need a public IPv6 address to use it. Configuration is on the 'network' configuration tab in your console. We also have anonymity improvements including padding of SSU packets and longer router private keys.

    verfasst 2013-09-30 von I2P devs
  • Version

    This unscheduled release disables the RouterInfo verification messages that were used in the attack published in the UCSB paper, which should make correlating a LeaseSet and a Router much more difficult. We have also included a limited number of other fixes listed below. Our 0.9.8 release, which will include IPv6 support, is still on-schedule for late September.

    verfasst 2013-08-10 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.7

    0.9.7 includes significant bug fixes and improvements.

    verfasst 2013-07-15 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.6

    0.9.6 includes bug fixes and an update from Jetty 6.1.26 (2010-11-10) to Jetty 7.6.10 (2013-03-12). See below for important information on the Jetty update. The Jetty 7 series is actively maintained and we plan to stay current with it in future I2P releases.

    verfasst 2013-05-28 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.5

    0.9.5 includes bug fixes and defenses for some issues and vulnerabilities that are being investigated by researchers at UCSB. We continue to work with them on additional improvements. This is a good opportunity to remind the community that while our network continues to grow rapidly, it is still relatively small. There may be multiple weaknesses or bugs that could compromise your anonymity. Help us grow the network by spreading the word and contributing where you can.

    verfasst 2013-03-08 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.4

    0.9.4 includes a fix for a network capacity bug, introduced in 0.9.2, that was reducing network performance and reliability. It also includes major changes in the in-network update system, and adds the capability to update via in-network torrents.

    verfasst 2012-12-17 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.3

    0.9.3 beinhaltet erweiterte low-level Änderungen der Nachrichtenwarteschlange im Router. Wir haben den CoDel Active Queue Management (AQM) Algorithmus implementiert. Außerdem wurde der Transportwarteschlangen - und Transportprioritätsmechanismus für bessere Diagnose und Netzwerk Latenz vereinheitlicht. Wir arbeiten weiterhin an der Beseitigung des UDP Transportbugs und machen UDP sicherer gegen Attacken. Des weiteren gibt es am Router änderungen zur Leistungssteigerung und Verringerung des Speicherverbrauchs. Ebenfalls wurde die DHT funktionalität von i2psnark, welche mit dem letzten Release eingeführt wurde, standardmäßig aktiviert.

    verfasst 2012-10-27 von I2P devs
  • Version 0.9.2

    0.9.2 beinhaltet umfangreiche, tiefgehende Änderungen, um die Performanz und Effizienz des Routers zu verbessern. Wir haben unsere UPnP-Bibliothek aktualisiert, um hoffentlich UPnP für mehr Leute nutzbar zu machen. I2PSnark unterstützt jetzt DHT, aber es ist standardmäßig noch nicht aktiviert, da wir in der Entwicklungsphase zur 0.9.3 noch weitere Tests planen.

    verfasst 2012-09-21 von I2P devs
  • 0.9.1 Release

    0.9.1 includes a large number of bug fixes in i2psnark, some streaming lib improvements, home page changes, new themes, and translation updates.

    verfasst 2012-07-30 von I2P devs
  • 0.9 Release

    The 0.9 release concludes over a year and a half of work on the 0.8.x series, in which we greatly improved the performance and security of the router, and the scalability of the network.

    verfasst 2012-05-02 von I2P devs